6 cities - 6 votes
Sunday, 15/09/2024 / 06:00 PM / Theater Freiburg - Large House
This year's concert with singers from Freiburg's twin cities will once again take place in keeping with tradition. Pianist Bernhard Renzikowski has put together a program of solo songs and ensembles in his usual style and will be accompanied by Cecilia Guzman, soprano (Granada), Eva Schöler, mezzo-soprano (Innsbruck), Blanca-Ester Moreno, soprano (Freiburg), Alvaro Zambrano, tenor (Freiburg) and Clemens Morgenthaler, baritone (Freiburg). There will also be another concert in Freiburg this year and then in Granada, Freiburg's twin city since 1991. There is no admission charge for the concert - donations for social causes will be gladly accepted at the exit. Tickets will be available from the end of August at the Rathauspforte in the old town hall.