Acoustic Fun Orchestra - Radio Rüttelplattte

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Mash-up songs, crazy medleys, musical comedy at its best!

The new program from the Acoustic Fun Orchestra has it all: like a musical rollercoaster ride, set pieces, melodies and grooves from over 100 well-known hits are mixed together in such a crazy way that something completely new is created. Unexpected twists, witty breaks and extremely original combinations of songs that everyone knows surprise and fascinate.
The band skillfully and cleverly twists various classics and presents the audience with a fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek journey through the highs (and lows!) of rock & pop history, musically transgressive, technically sophisticated - and at the same time extremely entertaining and funny. Great fun to experience and rediscover. The four musicians, also known in Freiburg as The Brothers with their own compositions, are very much looking forward to the premiere of their new program in their home town ...

Coco Buchholz: vocals, guitar, accordion, mandolin
Roby Scheffert: Vocals, bass
Tilo Buchholz: Vocals, drums
Lorenz Buchholz: Vocals, guitar

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Photo: Britt Schilling

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