"Working with mental illness - opportunities and challenges"

People with mental illness can be satisfied and successful in the primary labor market. But where are the barriers to participation for many? What needs to change in the workplace, but also in society, in order to enable more of those affected to have the right to participate in the labor market? After all, people with mental illness have important potential from which an inclusive labor market can benefit.

Three people with mental illness who have been working in the primary labor market for a long time will talk about their experiences. Three experts from the fields of psychiatric hospitals, inclusion and rehabilitation will also be on the podium to provide insights into their work and engage in discussion with those present.

Persons: Mirjam Kalkert (EX-IN recovery counselor, ZfP Emmendingen), Sarah Schiel (specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, senior physician at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, ZfP Emmendingen), Konstantin Schwarzmüller (PTA, religious educator and author, member of the Disability Advisory Council of the City of Freiburg), Sebastian (Selbsthilfe mit Köpfchen e.V., industrial mechanic), Max Steiner (Inclusion Coordination Office, City of Freiburg), Claudia Wehnelt (social pedagogue, Rehabilitation Clinic Glotterbad), Moderation: Vanessa Sandhaas-Börsig & Dr. Ulrike Hahn (City of Freiburg)

The event is free of charge.

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