
Exhibition: "Building Bridges" - joint exhibition (15.7. - 27.9.)

Free entry

"Art is not a luxury, but a necessity!" This quote by Bauhaus artist Lyonel Feininger is the guiding principle that links the work of the two associations with their diverse artistic offerings. Schwere(s)Los! has been offering free art courses for over 10 years, and the Brücke studio is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, while the association itself was founded 30 years ago. The two institutions first came into contact through a theater production by Schwere(s)Los! in 2013, which is also how the Brücken-Spiele theater group in Lahr came into being. Now it's time to present themselves together: In the form of a diverse joint exhibition with theater performances, discussions, themed events, as well as readings with music and much more, jointly designed spaces are to be created. The motto of the creative collaboration is aptly titled "Building Bridges". And this is exactly what will take place between July and September, as an invitation to a broad public. During this period, it will not only be possible to see and hear a wide variety of art, but also to get to know each other and exchange ideas. Some organizations, such as the Freiburger Hilfsgemeinschaft für psychisch kranke Menschen (FHG), the außerstationäre Krisenberatung (ASK) or the "sozialpsychiatrischeTrialog" will present themselves and their visions for positive social change. The theme of building bridges will be the common thread running through the joint events. This will be achieved through playful combinations of different works of art and performances. The interweaving will be supported by informative and artistic texts on the topic. Vernissage: Tue, 23.7., 6 pm, vhs-Galerie/Theatersaal Welcome: Michael Labres, Schwere(s)Los e.V. Musical accompaniment: Beggars' Choir Finissage: Fri, 27.9., 6.30 pm Up-to-date information on the accompanying program can be found here: https://www.schwere-s-los.de/bruecken-bauen/

Course number: 241207596

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