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Corporate childcare today:

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In an increasingly dynamic working world, it is becoming more and more important for companies to create attractive conditions for their employees. Company childcare offers a valuable opportunity to implement family friendliness, attract skilled workers and retain them in the long term.We will show you concrete implementation options, from the establishment of a company daycare center (in a group), the awarding of a sponsorship or the provision of places, to the hiring of childminders and individual solutions.Come and exchange ideas with committed providers and best practices from the region at themed tables. Afterwards: cozy conclusion and networking.

We look forward to seeing you:

Junikäfer Freiburg, Benjamin Rudolph-Mittenbühler As the largest provider of company childcare in South Baden, we have been advising and supporting small and large companies individually on issues relating to the compatibility of family and career for almost 20 years. Together with each employer, we develop an optimal cooperation model and offer tailored to their needs. These range from company daycare centers for individual or several companies to completely flexible company childcare in the form of places in public facilities.

Kita Fliegerkiste Bieberach, Stefanie Wieckenberg, Karl Knauer The "Fliegerkiste" is a unique joint project between the companies HYDRO Systems KG and Karl Knauer KG and the municipality of Biberach. The three partners are supported by Kinderzentren Kunterbunt gGmbH from Nuremberg and have set themselves the task of supporting young families in the region and sustainably improving the compatibility of family and career.

heynanny, Monja Metzinger heynanny is the all-in-one solution for a real work-life balance. With our Corporate Benefit offer in the areas of Child Care, Elder Care and Mental Care, we create individual support in every phase of life.

TagesmütterVerein Freiburg, Claudia Dorner-Müller The Fachberatung Kindertagespflege - TagesmütterVerein Freiburg e.V. supports companies, businesses and institutions in acting in a family-friendly manner by developing and implementing tailor-made models for company childcare. In this way, we not only help to attract qualified employees, but above all to retain them in the long term.

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