Moving pictures with Birgit Weyhe
comic workshop for school classes (upper school)

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Moving pictures with Birgit Weyhe - comic workshop for school classes (upper school)

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From the idea to the comic: How can I tell a story in three, four or many individual pictures? What does it take to bring an object or character to life? How can I make clear what a character feels or what makes them tick? Are there sad toasts or sporty snails? With simple drawing exercises, Birgit Weyhe will introduce you to the basics of visual storytelling. Have fun trying out, inventing and experimenting!
Photo: © Avant Verlag, "Rude Girl", p. 10


Date: 28.6.2024, 10 am - 1 pm
Location: Literaturhaus Freiburg, Bertoldstraße 17
Free admission

Exhibition opening hours:
28-30.6., 2 pm - 7 pm
1-6.7., 3 pm - 8 pm
Free admission


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