
The secret of espresso preparation (with tasting)

Price: 35.00€

Many espresso lovers ask themselves how to prepare the perfect espresso. We get to know the characteristics and flavor variety of coffee types and understand how the roasting process influences the taste. We also look at the characteristics and operation of portafilter machines. How is a perfect espresso made? Preparation and tasting of various espressos (including decaffeinated) and a visit to the Freiburg Coffee Museum round off the course.

Course number: 242305677

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Community Journaling with Elise

Courses & workshops

Community Journaling with Elise

20/09/2024 / 08:00 AM - 09:15 AM / Creative Park Lokhalle Freiburg

For this month's theme of REFLECTION, we have decided to gather for some guided journaling. The instructions will be in English but the journaling will be in your own language ;-)

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