Stammtisch Bild

German-French regulars' table

Free entry

Relaxed atmosphere, colorful group and suitable for every level: that's our German-French regulars' table at the CCF!

General information: the German-French regulars' table is aimed at anyone who wants to brush up their French or German in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoys the respective foreign language. We meet once a month in a restaurant or at the CCFF and spend a few convivial hours together. Over a delicious meal and a drink or two, we chat about God and the world - in German and/or French, depending on your preference.

Our next regulars' table will take place on Wednesday, November 27 at 7 p.m. in the CCF.

>>Please register at We look forward to a relaxed evening!

Wednesday, November 27th | 7:00 p.m.
Language: D/F
Admission: free
In cooperation with: Friends of CCFF

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