Lectures, readings & discussions
The new protest culture. Occupying, sticking, striking: The fight for the future
Tuesday, 01/10/2024 / 07:30 PM / Theater Freiburg - Winterer Foyer
Price: from 9.00€ to 14.00€
Advance ticket sales here:
Book presentation with Dr. Tareq Sydiq, Center for Conflict Research, University of Marburg | As part of the series "Unprecedented: The US Presidential Elections 2024"
They have toppled regimes, opened borders and fought for rights - protests have set a few stones rolling in history, not least in America,
have set a few wheels in motion. In the USA in particular, especially in an epochal election year such as 2024, the new
culture of protest of the 21st century plays a key role: Black Lives Matter and the Women's March still have a powerful impact on US politics today.
in US politics today as the ominous coup protest of January 6, 2021, the storming of the Capitol, or the angry marches against the coronavirus measures.
marches against the government's coronavirus measures in Washington. In the present day, protests seem more present than ever
ever, as protest researcher Tareq Sydiq notes: There has been a change in who is protesting for or against what and in what form.
From women burning their headscarves to farmers blocking roads with their tractors and climate activists,
who stick themselves to the ground, to social media rallies under hashtags such as GegenRechts, MeToo or MutZurWahrheit.
Tareq Sydiq, who holds a doctorate in political science from the Center for Conflict Research in Marburg, sheds light on the new international
culture of protest using numerous examples from the USA to Germany and Iran and shows what these protests
and how they influence politics and society. Event language: German