"The beautiful Magelone"
Stepjan Loges, baritone; Stephan Amaral, piano; Gerd Heinz, narrator
Thursday, 19/09/2024 / 08:00 PM / Humboldt Hall at the Freiburger Hof
An old Provençal love story from the 15th century is about Count Peter and the Neapolitan king's daughter Magelone: they fall in love with each other, but Magelone is already promised to someone else. The romantic poet Ludwig Tieck "modernized" this story two centuries later and published it in his folk tales. Johannes Brahms then used this version as the basis for his only song cycle. On Wednesday, September 19, 2024, Gerd Heinz will tell the old tale, interwoven with baritone Stephan Loges singing the 15 romances, accompanied on the piano by Marcelo Amaral.