Lectures, readings & discussions
The White Rose - Resistance against the Nazi regime
Natalia Herrera
Sunday, 06/04/2025 / 03:30 PM / Wallgraben Theater
read by Natalia Herrera
Coffee and cake from 2.30 pm
Lectures, readings & discussions
Natalia Herrera
Sunday, 06/04/2025 / 03:30 PM / Wallgraben Theater
read by Natalia Herrera
Coffee and cake from 2.30 pm
Courses & workshops, Lectures, readings & discussions
27/03/2025 / 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM / vhs in the Colombi Corner
Lectures, readings & discussions
27/03/2025 / 06:30 PM / Online event
Lectures, readings & discussions
27/03/2025 / 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM / Architekturforum Freiburg e.V.
Ursula Hochrein | lohrer.hochrein landschaftsarchitekten und stadtplaner gmbh, Munich // Valentin Ott | HOSOYA SCHAEFER ARCHITECTS AG, Zurich