Finissage | My dream planet: "Dessine-moi ta planète" from a child's perspective

Finissage | My dream planet: "Dessine-moi ta planète" from a child's perspective

Free entry

What does your dream planet look like? From June 6, the CCFF will be showing pictures from primary school classes that have explored their dream planet as part of our Petit Prince exhibition "Dessine-moi ta planète".

In January 2024, the CCF hosted an exhibition about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Petit Prince in a traditional collaboration with Freiburg's twin city Besançon: "Dessine-moi ta planète". This was a precursor exhibition to the large main exhibition in Besançon. The latter is an environmentally and socially critical reading of the Little Prince and can be visited at the Citadel in Besançon until the fall of this year. As this topic also seems interesting and important for children, we thought about how we could involve this target group in particular in a project. As a result, we designed workshops as part of our Petit-Prince exhibition and contacted elementary school in Freiburg to invite individual school classes to the CCF for this event. Our basic idea: paint us your dream planet! During the workshop, the pupils were able to get creative themselves and explore the question of their dream planet, helped by input from the exhibition. The exhibition used themes such as outer space and social bonds to draw attention to concepts such as sustainability and social coexistence.

The following school classes contributed to the exhibition with their works:

- 4d, 4c, 4e, 3b from Adolf-Reichwein-Schule
- 4c of the Emil-Gött-Schule
- CE1 and CE2 from the German-French elementary school

>> To celebrate the exhibition in style, we are holding a finissage on July 11. Come along and immerse yourself in fantastic worlds!

Duration of the exhibition: June 06 - July 31
Finissage: Thursday, July 11 | 19:00 at the CCF

Language: F/D
Admission: Free

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