free | Huts. Architectures between inside and outside | Lecture with Fabian Goppelsröder

free | Huts. Architectures between inside and outside | Lecture with Fabian Goppelsröder

Free entry

The hut is an "engraving", according to the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space. It is deeply engraved in our cultural memory and stands for protection and shelter as well as for the vulnerability of human beings. Beyond the calculable body, it becomes an architecture between inside and outside, a figure of the third, in which the seemingly self-evident oppositions familiar to us (culture/nature, I/other...) lose their hardness. Fabian Goppelsröder studied philosophy and history in Berlin and Paris and completed his doctorate at the Comparative Literature Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto. Since October 2023, he has been teaching as a professor of "Art and Theory" at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.

Fabian Goppelsröder is the author of, among others, Zwischen Sagen und Zeigen. Wittgensteins Weg von der literarischen zur dichtenden Philosophie (2007) and the essay Aisthetik der Müdigkeit (2018). 2023 saw the publication of Kalendergeschichte, Fait Divers, Twitter. On the media aesthetics of small forms.

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