Non-violent communication (NVC) - introduction to the model according to Marshall B. Rosenberg

How can we communicate our concerns in such a way that we are really understood? And how can we remain open to what someone wants to say when, for example, we hear reproaches? answers to these questions are provided by the language concept "non-violent communication" by Marshall Rosenberg. it leads to more understanding in interpersonal relationships, whether private or professional. conflicts can be resolved at their root. in addition, the model conveys an inner attitude that enables us to treat ourselves and other people with appreciation and empathy. this leads to vitality and fullness in life.The seminar uses numerous exercises to teach the basics of non-violent communication so that all participants have the tools they need to practice in their everyday lives.

Course leader: Salvason, Ronya. The seminar leader has been intensively involved with NVC since 2005 and has been teaching it since 2011. She also offers empathic support, coaching and mediation based on NVC. She is a recognized trainer in the Nonviolent Communication Association ( More at

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