Han's Klaffl - A kind of best-of

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Han's Klaffl, a passionate (music) teacher, gets to the bottom of the widespread clichés about the teaching profession in no less than four cabaret solo programs about teachers, pupils and parents. He mercilessly reveals what really happens behind the closed doors of the staff room.
The fact that these insights into the pedagogical subculture were long overdue can be seen from the undiminished interest that teachers, parents and pupils show in this self-ironic reckoning. But of course Han's Klaffl, as a gifted - or was it pardoned? - pedagogue, knows about forgetfulness, which is as inextricably linked to the human brain as the Leberkäs sandwich is to the school kiosk. And that's why Han's Klaffl is now offering a compact course, a refresher course, a kind of best-of, to fill any gaps in your memory. Look forward to an evening with particularly popular numbers from four stage programs! Look forward to a reunion with Gütlich, Gregorius and the janitor Grantinger! Look forward to a double hour of frontal instruction with piano and double bass, after which no questions are guaranteed to remain unanswered!

More info: https://hans-klaffl.de

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