Historix-Tours: Brooks, jugglers, ragamuffins - event tour with actor

The medieval tour:
Let a friendly contemporary witness tell you about Freiburg's medieval history. Have the brooks always existed? What is the secret of the oil mill in the Gerberau? What horror stories are told about the robber barons of Falkenstein? Where was the fairground with its freak show? How was the cathedral built when there were no construction machines? And who messed up the choir windows? The first 400 years of the city's history: the Middle Ages.

Meeting point: At the Schwabentor (Swabentorsteg)
Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
Brief description: A pointed tour of the Middle Ages and the main sights of Freiburg. Ideally suited for people who do not yet know Freiburg (that well) or who want to learn the basics of the city's history in an entertaining way from a rustic day laborer (m/f/d).

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