Ingeborg Gleichauf: As if I had two lives

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"We have a right to ask questions when a cause seems dark, a sentence contestable, an authority doubtful," reads "The Siblings", one of the most discussed books of GDR literature by Brigitte Reimann (1933-1973). With her novels, diaries and letters, she left behind a multifaceted oeuvre that often tells of women and their emancipation.

Ingeborg Gleichauf calls Brigitte Reimann an architect of prose. In her latest work, "Als habe ich zwei Leben" (Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2024), the Freiburg philosopher, writer and poet sheds light on the inextricable relationship between the life and writing of the artist, who died far too young, "this strange kind of double existence that Reimann wrote about again and again and which she reflected on throughout her life".

She talks to Hanna Hovtvian (Literaturhaus Freiburg) about one of the most important German writers of the 20th century.
Photo: © Björn Klein

Co-organizer "Freiburger Andruck": Kulturamt, municipal library, SWR Studio and Theater Freiburg and Badische Zeitung

Date: 12.9.2024, 19:30
Venue: Stadtbibliothek Freiburg, Münsterplatz 17
Admission: 9/6 euros

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