Apply proactively - seize opportunities

Are you looking for a job, but there are no interesting vacancies to be found anywhere? Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. That's why the Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf Freiburg - Südlicher Oberrhein invites you to a workshop for women on the subject of unsolicited applications.

An unsolicited application has numerous advantages and offers many opportunities: your own core competencies can be presented independently of a narrow requirements profile, the new employer and the future field of activity are proactively selected and an unsolicited application demonstrates a particularly high level of motivation. At the seminar, Petra Flassig, certified coach, will explain what is important in a good unsolicited application and answer open questions.

The number of participants is limited. The workshop is free of charge. Registration is possible via the contact point's website at (keyword Events).

The workshop is part of the series of events "Wiedereinstieg kompakt - Information und Austausch für Frauen", to which the Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf Freiburg - Südlicher Oberrhein regularly invites women. It is open to all women who want to return to work after a family phase or a career break.

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Picture book cinema

03/07/2024 / 03:30 PM / Mooswald District Library

Our reading mentor Beate Düe reads exciting and entertaining stories for little listeners aged 3 and over and shows the pictures on a big screen.

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