
"I have the feeling that my entire career is like a straight line. Each of my works is a milestone on a straight path, without deviation. The line that connects two points is necessarily straight, without interruption. One and the same intention, repeated tirelessly. In all my works I strive for unity, for a relationship with everything, with the other, with letting go." - Nacera Belaza For L'ONDE, Nacera Belaza was inspired by the traditional dances and rituals of Algeria. How can they be updated without losing their uniqueness and original value? The result is a mesmerizing choreography for five dancers that relates the traditional movement material to her concept of infinity. Carried by a pulsating soundtrack that combines tradition and modernity, the dancers explore the boundlessness of space, time and emptiness. With a few but clearly defined gestures, they open up a lively dialog between spirituality and image as well as movement and imagination. Choreography, sound & lighting design: Nacera Belaza Performers: Nacera Belaza, Aurélie Berland, Paulin Banc, Magdalena Hylak, Mohammed Ech Charquaouy Technical direction: Christophe Renaud A production by Compagnie Nacera Belaza Partners: Kunstenfestivaldesarts / Charleroi danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie - Bruxelles; Festival de Marseille; deSingel, Campus International des Arts; MC93 Bobigny; LUMA Foundation; ICI-Centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo, as part of the creative and research residency program; L'Arsenal- Cité musicale-Metz; Atelier de Paris / CDCN The company is supported by LUMA - Arles foundation residency program; Ile-de-France Region in the context of Aide à la création program; SACD in the context of the DUO program; Institut français - Ville de Paris, SPEDIDAM. Residencies at ICI CCN de Montpellier - Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo; deSingel, Campus International des Arts; MC93 - Bobigny; Parc des Ateliers, LUMA-Arles; Atelier de Paris / CDCN; Points-communs, nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy / Val d'Oise.

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