Free entry

What does it do to people when their skin color stands out, but they are overlooked as a person? "Über.Sehen" is an invitation to look closely, to go beyond what is in front of our eyes. How can we go beneath the obvious and establish a deeper connection?

How can we establish a relationship with the artist Malack Silas, his works, his life story and his experiences?

"Über.Sehen" is a call for more empathy and understanding towards the situation of artists with dark skin - and an invitation to reflect on the European view of expectations of African art.

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Deciphering the code of the universe

19/09/2024 / 08:00 AM - 12:00 AM / Platz der Alten Synagoge (old synagogue square)

The Institute of Physics at the University campus Freiburg invites you on a journey of discovery into the world of particle physics as part of the exhibition "The Code of the Universe" from September…

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