Michael Nast

Book tickets

Bestselling author Michael Nast ("Generation Beziehungsunfähig") is coming to Freiburg to present his new book "Weil da irgendetwas fehlt: Von der Liebe, dem Leben und anderen Missverständnissen" live!

How Michael Nast sees the world moves millions on the Internet. Whether it's society, love or any other topic, he captures the spirit of the times. Nast guides us through his (and our) inner life with unsparing candor. He holds up a mirror to us. His eye-opening texts read like a conversation with a good friend who recognizes our hardships.

Michael Nast, born in 1975, landed the bestseller of 2016 with "Generation Beziehungsunfähig" and became the mouthpiece of an entire generation. With his extraordinary powers of observation, he explores situations and facts like no other. His first novel "#EGOLAND" was published in 2018, followed by the non-fiction book "Vom Sinn unseres Lebens" in 2019. 2021 "Generation Beziehungsunfähig - the solutions". Michael Nast lives and works in Berlin as an author and columnist.

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