Homeless Catholic. In search of a church that is a home again

Homeless Catholic. In search of a church that is a home again

Free entry

The religious scholar and philosopher Regina Laudage-Kleeberg will be a guest at the Catholic Academy Freiburg, Wintererstr. 1, on Monday, October 7, at 7 pm for a reading and discussion. On this evening, Regina Laudage-Kleeberg will read from her book "Obdachlos katholisch". She asks how one can remain Catholic when one is at odds with the church. And how the church can become a home again for those who are "still part of it" but also feel "homelessly Catholic".

Invited are people who are involved in the church and Caritas on a full-time or voluntary basis, and all those who share the feeling of being homelessly Catholic and are searching.

Admission is free. Registration at www.katholische-akademie-freiburg.de.

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