Pop, rock & jazz
PA69 - TOURS BUS TRIPS ROUND THREE - Safe & comfortable to the most beautiful moshpits!
Thursday, 20/03/2025 / 08:00 PM / Restaurant Waldsee
Pop, rock & jazz
Thursday, 20/03/2025 / 08:00 PM / Restaurant Waldsee
Pop, rock & jazz
20/03/2025 / 07:30 PM / House of Literature Freiburg
Pop, rock & jazz
20/03/2025 / 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM / Agora Wine Shop & Vinotheque
In the cozy rooms of the Vinothek, you will experience acoustic blues by three renowned musicians from the region.
Pop, rock & jazz
20/03/2025 / 08:00 PM / The Great Räng Teng Teng