Panel discussion: Dealing with sexual abuse in the churches
what can we learn as a society?

Panel discussion: Dealing with sexual abuse in the churches - what can we learn as a society?

Free entry

On Wednesday, October 23 at 7 p.m., a panel discussion will take place in lecture hall 1199 at the University campus Freiburg (Platz der Universität 3, KG I) on the topic of "Dealing with sexual abuse in the churches", which will also be livestreamed.

In recent years, the Catholic and Protestant churches have conducted extensive studies on sexual abuse in their institutions. Further reports from individual dioceses and regional churches are expected, which will presumably bring additional details to light. There is already a clear link between abuse of power and sexual abuse.

The event will address key questions: How do power structures and self-images encourage abuse? Where should prevention start? What can other areas of society such as sport, school or family learn from the church's findings? What role does politics play in raising awareness, coming to terms with abuse and intervening?

Prof. Dr. Lars Castellucci MdB (SPD Commissioner for Churches and Religious Communities), Kerstin Claus (Independent Commissioner of the Federal Government for Child Sexual Abuse) and Prof. Dr. Magnus Striet (University campus Freiburg, Chairman of the Archdiocese of Freiburg's Reappraisal Commission) will discuss these issues.

The panel discussion is organized by the Catholic Academy Freiburg in cooperation with the Working Group of Christians in the SPD Baden-Württemberg. The event will be broadcast via livestream. Admission is free. Registration at

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