Sasa Stanisic: If the widow wants to be addressed, she places the watering can on the grave with the spout facing forward - Reading

Book tickets

What if you hadn't made this one decision, but that other one? What if there was a rehearsal room for life where you could see ten minutes of a possible future - and only then decide? After "Origin", which won the German Book Prize and other awards, Sasa Stanisic explores the possibilities of literature in the twelve stories of his new bestseller. Playful with language, clever and daring, he invents and dreams up a different life for his characters. For Dilek, who suddenly falls back into the world of her memories while cleaning. For the lawyer Georg, who is prepared to cheat in order to finally win against his son in Memory. For the German-Bosnian writer who travels to Heligoland for the first time, only to realize that he has been there before ...
Photo: © Magnus Terhorst

Co-organizer: Buchhandlung Schwarz in cooperation with St. Ursula Gymnasium

Date: 23.9.2024, 19:30
Venue: St. Ursula Gymnasium, Aula, Bismarckallee 14
Admission: 16/8 euros

Out of house

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