So happy to gather
Marie Dolderer, Miriam Cheema, Helena Steurer, Leon Wierer
Saturday, 08/02/2025 / 08:00 PM / Cala Theatre
A theater performance about the art of going out - or how we bring Homo Festivus back to life.
Go out - otherwise we're lost! According to studies, people are going out less and less: To the theater, to concerts, to clubs. The three actresses on stage ask themselves and the audience the question: What needs to happen so that we leave our homes more often again? In the hope of finding an answer, they embark on a search for the origins of human outgoing behavior. For example, what was the first party that was ever celebrated? With a lot of imagination and humor, the three play out situations from past centuries and the present. They join illustrious company and visit different locations - always with the question in mind: What can we learn from these scenarios for our times?
Play: Marie Dolderer, Miriam Cheema, Helena Steurer and residents of the Haslach district
Director: Leon Wierer
Assistant director: Julia Jungblut
Dramaturgy: Carla Wierer
Supported by: Fonds Darstellende Künste, Cultural Office Freiburg