Thomas Gsella - I'll pay you rhyme

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The former editor-in-chief of "Titanic" and winner of the Robert Gernhardt Prize presents the best of his new books "Lustgedichte", "Trinkgedichte" and "Ich zahl's euch reim".
The comic verses are now joined by more serious ones on political topics and abysses, such as the well-known "Coronalehre" or the poems about European crimes against refugees.
Gsella rhymes weekly for "Stern" and the Swiss "Magazin", monthly for the magazine "konkret" and the life-saving organization Mission Lifeline.
He wrote about his poems: "They are good, but light. It's not complicated show-off poetry, you don't have to interpret anything, just read or listen, and because you're not stupid, you understand everything immediately and can laugh or cry freely, depending on the author's intention." He copied this lightness from the "Titanic" poets F.W. Bernstein and Robert Gernhardt, whose legitimate heir he is considered today.

Most recent works: "Ich zahl's euch reim", Kunstmann-Verlag (autumn 2021), and the four-volume "Lust-, Fest-, Trink- und Fressgedichte" slipcase published by Zweitausendeins

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Photo: Thomas Hintner

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