Till Ten | Annette Merkenthaler: In late summer

Till Ten | Annette Merkenthaler: In late summer

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During a visit to her garden, we reflect on how to deal with her artistic legacy: "For reasons of age, I can't help but think about the question of the estate. I try to look ahead and develop plans. What is the lifespan of my artistic works? What will happen to my archive of works? Will it please or burden my descendants?
An estate is a collection of "materials worth archiving" (Wikipedia). In order to limit my archive to the essentials as far as possible, I sort out works that, from my current perspective, are "not worth archiving". This results in a pile of shards in the garden, which over time becomes overgrown with ivy and moss. I observe growth and decay there. Unconventional, natural processes take place. I am particularly impressed by the cycle in the compost heap. Rotting "discarded" plants create soil, which in turn becomes the basis for new vegetation. Where and how do natural and artistic processes overlap? "Annette Merkenthaler

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Children & youth, Lectures, readings & discussions, Other

Reading time

04/07/2024 / 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM / Stadtbibliothek (municipal library)

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