Uljana Wolf: Comet songs and other poems - Wild Friday with word caterpillar magic (from 6 years)

Book tickets

when the words buzz
when the sounds buzz
when you look with your ears
and build yourself a spell

the world sounds all fiddly
nothing is as it was
lots of new things hatch
from the language caterpillar sleep

With her comet songs, poet Uljana Wolf invites you on an imaginary journey into a strange-sounding world full of amazing twists and turns. Poems in secret language, a language memory in which a child's name rhymes with every instrument, or the text of the "schmetterlecker butterdieb", which flutters between German and English. Uljana Wolf transforms, mixes up, blurs and glitters everything around us. And encourages us to play with language - "when everything is buttered up / you know - the magic works!"

The poet, who has been awarded the Peter Huchel Prize for Poetry, translates her poetics light-footedly into onomatopoeic, humorous texts for children. For adult audiences, she will read from her latest volume "muttertask" (kookbooks, 2024) on the evening before.
Photo: © Marc Doradzillo

Date: 11.10.2024, 3-4 pm
Location: Literaturhaus, Bertoldstraße 17
Admission: 7/5 euros

Wilder Freitag

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