Vernissage | High Garden, Tom Spach

Vernissage | High Garden, Tom Spach

Free entry

What place does nature have in a big city? Come to the CCF and let Tom Spach's photographs take you on a short trip to Hong Kong that addresses precisely this question.

As part of the Mulhouse 2024 Biennial of Photography and the 2024 Architecture Days, the CCF is presenting a photo exhibition entitled "High Garden". This approaches the relationship between the urban and vegetation in Hong Kong by focusing on the edges and spaces in between, from the labyrinths of high-rise buildings to the surrounding tropical forests. It questions the way we coexist in the city with our natural surroundings and the place of nature in the city.

Tom Spach (1987) is a French photographer living in the Vosges. His photography focuses mainly on territories and their interfaces, an approach he developed through his training as an urban planner. His series "High Garden" was among the finalists of the Prix Levallois 2020 and is published in a book published by Kehrer Verlag.

Duration of the exhibition: September 12 - October 13

Vernissage: Thursday, September 12 | 7 pm at the CCF
Language: F/D
Admission: Free
As part of: Biennial of Photography Mulhouse 2024, Architecture Days 2024

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