From conflict to understanding and cooperation
intensive introduction to the NVC

From conflict to understanding and cooperation - intensive introduction to the NVC

Our potential lies in the fact that we can determine how we think, speak and act. We can reshape our thought patterns, our linguistic expression and our actions in such a way that our communication is satisfactory. The NVC is, on the one hand, a language concept that highlights the stumbling blocks of language. With the help of non-violent communication, it is possible to:- develop an appreciative approach- transform disputes into constructive conversations- resolve conflicts at their roots- find amicable solutions- build working relationships based on partnership- stand up powerfully for your own concerns- improve the quality of interpersonal relationships from the ground up

Course leader: Salvason, Ronya. The seminar leader has been intensively involved with NVC since 2005 and has been teaching it since 2011. She also offers empathic support, coaching and mediation based on NVC. She is also a facilitator and trainer for systemic consensus, a decision-making process for groups.

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