What makes us brave?

What makes us brave?

Am I brave? I want to be brave, but one evening there's a bad thunderstorm and I'm alone - do I hide away or do I stay brave? When I have to present something in front of the class, I feel uneasy. I'm embarrassed to stand out ... It's probably not easy to be brave!?
By acting out stories, drawing and discussing, we experience where courage begins on a small scale and what courage feels like. Can we manage to remain courageous even when things get uncomfortable? We explore together: Is it important to be courageous?
What makes us courageous? How can we train courage?

At the end, we will design our own courage stone.
Registration: kontakt@philo-mobil.com
Further information: www.philo-mobil.com/fuer-kinder or phone 0761-51461280

For children aged 8-12, €3 for the snack.

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