Wheelchair sports event

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, the Ring der Körperbehinderten is organizing the first wheelchair sports event in Freiburg.

In addition to its own sports groups such as wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, children's sports and many more, other wheelchair sports groups such as the Breisgau Beasts, the EHC Freiburg para-ice field hockey team and the cooperation partner Deutscher Alpenverein will also be taking part.

The following program is planned from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p. m:

10:00 am Welcome - 10:30 am Demo game wheelchair rugby - 11:15 am Demo game wheelchair basketball - 12:00 pm Demo game electric wheelchair field hockey - 12:30 pm Performance ring choir

12:45 pm We get moving - 1:30 pm Children's and youth sports - 2:15 pm Demo game wheelchair rugby - 3:00 pm Demo game wheelchair basketball - 3:30 pm Ring choir performance

15:45 Demo game of electric wheelchair field hockey - 16:30 We get moving - 17:00 Children's and youth sports - 17:30 Fun game

All fans of wheelchair sports, and all those who want to become fans, are cordially invited.

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