Intermediate/rental: Charlotte Gneuss - Young literature in shared flats (catch-up date)

Book tickets

1976 in the Dresden suburb of Gittersee. Sixteen-year-old Karin looks after her little sister and helps her grandmother with the housework. However, she prefers to spend time with her friend Marie, the only girl in the class who doesn't want to do something later, but wants to become something: the first woman on the moon. And with Paul, with whom she is in love and who would much rather be an artist than work in the shaft at Wismut. When Paul disappears one day and two men in uniform turn up at the door, Karin's fragile world is thrown off kilter. Because "a sure thing is a false thing, you see. Only a thing that arises in doubt, also exists in doubt".

In her impressive debut novel "Gittersee" (S. Fischer, 2023), Charlotte Gneuß talks about doubts and courage in a system that no longer exists in this form, which she will discuss in our "zwischen/miete" series, moderated and organized by a team of students.
Photo: © Alena Schmick

Co-organizer: Studierendenwerk Freiburg

Date: 16.10.2024, 19:30
Location: WG in Stefan-Meier-Straße 83
Admission: 5 euros (box office only)

Reading and discussion
Out of house

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