Young literature in shared flats

Book tickets

Zwischen/stand - Young literature in shared flats

Book tickets

Since 2010, our "zwischen/miete" series has been bringing first books into conversation: organized and moderated by a team of students, debut authors read from their freshly printed novels, poetry or essay collections in shared flats, cafés and gardens.

The current curators are taking a step back and looking for drafts that are still slumbering in drawers or dreams. Following an open call in April, the third edition of "zwischen/stand" will present new texts from Freiburg: whether finished, at the beginning or somewhere in between - unpublished works of all forms and genres were sought. The evening presents selected submissions.

Missed the call? No problem: the Open Stage at the end invites spontaneous performances. Premiere fever guaranteed!
Graphic: © Andreas Töpfer

Co-organizer: Studierendenwerk Freiburg

More at:

Date: 17.7.2024, 7 pm
Location: Café POW, Belfortstraße 52
Admission free

Reading and open mike

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