Bodo Wartke - Wunderpunkt

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Bodo Wartke: Wunderpunkt

Abera Kadabera! Fine linguistic wit, surprising rhyming culture and virtuoso piano playing - Bodo Wartke's seventh program offers entertaining musical cabaret and an acrobatic tongue twister slam. The entertainer and poet sets amazement against the power of habit and puts humor alongside old patterns. Lightness! - Why not?

Bodo Wartke gets to the heart of the matter!

In his seventh piano cabaret program, the musician and cabaret artist presents himself as a storyteller who extracts absurdly funny incidents from everyday life with all its inconsistencies and condenses them in both senses of the word. Bodo Wartke takes an extraordinarily playful, linguistically and verbally acrobatic, dancing look at the phenomena of our coexistence. In doing so, he draws on the rich fund of the German language and lifts many a vocabulary with a fine sense.

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Helge Schneider

06/03/2025 / 08:00 PM / Konzerthaus Freiburg (Concert hall)

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