Freiburg Baroque Orchestra: Tamerlano

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George Frideric Handel:
Tamerlano, Dramma per Musica HWV 18

Paul-Antoine Bénos-Dijan, Tamerlano
Thomas Walker, Bajazet
Polina Pastirchak, Asteria
Alexander Chance, Andronico
Helena Rasker, Irene
Matthias Winckhler, Leone
René Jacobs, conductor

Among connoisseurs, George Frideric Handel's "Tamerlano" has long been regarded as an insider's tip, which is ahead of the composer's more famous operas, esp.Giulio Cesare", "Alcina" and "Rinaldo" in particular. The fact that the opera finds it more difficult to assert itself against its "big" sisters today is perhaps due to the fact that the focus in "Tamerlano" is not on sweeping, breakneck arias, but on sophisticated, multifaceted recitatives in which Handel advances the plot and characterizes the characters with dramaturgical masterpieces. The result is an opera that is more of a psychogram and less of a revue in the Baroque sense. In addition, Handel gave the (main) role of Bajazit to a tenor rather than the usual castrato. It is also unusual that he allows the suicide scene of Bajazit, humiliated by the cruel Tamerlano, to take place almost on the open stage. The hero breathes his last in a partly clanking F sharp major until he - supported by his daughter Asteria - withdraws from the eyes of the shuddering audience.
Even contemporaries noted the exceptional quality of the composition and praised the "pleasing melodies" and "pleasant effects" in particular. René Jacobs himself, who will conduct our "Tamerlano" performances, particularly emphasizes the libretto by Nicola Francesco Haym, which he considers to be one of Handel's strongest operatic libretti.

A free introductory lecture will take place at 6.15 pm in the Rolf Böhme Hall.

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